Sunday, May 27, 2007


What I learned from this project is to believe in things that are not proven yet, and think like every body else in this class regarding this subject, although I am against these finding. The reason behind all this is the propaganda that was created by Elgore and the media which maid many people believe in what he and the scientists were saying, to get more funding for things that will not benefit us, in the 1980’s the US Government use to pay $150 million for research and today they pay more than $3 billion and they are still not sour if what they are saying is true or not. If half this money went in research about new ways of energy, this crisis as Elgore sees would not existed today.

Individual action

There are many ways in which people can contribute in lowering the risk of global warming in the UAE. First, by using more efficient cars that has 50 MPG instead of 20 or less and instead of each person driving his own car we can ether come with friends in one car or use the public transport system. Secondly, by reducing the usage of electricity in our houses and by adopting renewable energy like the sun by using solar panels, heat and wend, there are other ways but they are very expensive to us. Last but not least, we have to stop cutting trees because they are the source of our oxygen we breath and let us not forget that they also inhale the CO2 from our air.

UAE and global worming

Regarding articles I read in a news paper or website, which reflects on this phenomenon in the UAE or the Arab world were very few. They all take manly about what would happen in the world but not specifically the UAE, as we read a lot of research articles that focuses on other countries in Europe, South Asia and America. The reason for that is the lake of scientific research in the Arab world or the difficulty in publishing these studies which is don by individuals. The Arab governments should help others in doing these things by funding these people or research centers in publishing there findings.

One of the most important effects

Co2 emission is the most important effect, it contribute to 56 percent of the total effects of global warming. What co2 does is that it blokes sun raze from bouncing out of the atmosphere and it does that by creating like a blanket of co2 around the earth and this is called green house effect. Green house effect raises the temperature or the earth which helps the tow ice caps melt faster, and by this happening sea level will rise and because of this reason a lot of cites will become under the sea and a lot of people will ether die or lose their homes

Effects of global warming

Scientist predicts that there will be a very big effect on the environment and human life. The first effect is the weather, it is predicted that there will be an extreme change in the climate in many places of the world were a lot of regions will notes unstabilized climate, second, the rising of see level which will cause a lot of countries to go under water however the reason is the melting ice caps because of higher temperature of earth. Last but not least, tornados are happing more frequently and they are stronger in force, they also started happening before there season. These strong hurricanes has effected many cites, were In 2005 Karenna destroy New Orleans which did not recover until now.

One of the most important reasons of Global worming

One of the most important reasons of global warming is co2, the contribution of co2 emission in this phenomena is 65% of all causes, what co2 do is that it cretins like a blanket around the atmosphere which blocker raise that comes in from the sun from going back out which is called green house effect. Co2 gases come from big power plants that produce electricity which count for 25% of the total co2 that is emitted in the air. However, cars, trucks and trains produce the same percent of co2 as power plants.

Causes of global worming

Do you believe that we are the main reason behind global worming? There are many causes of global warming and these are same of them. First, carbon dioxide emissions that stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation, second, carbon dioxide emissions comes from the burning of gasoline in engines of cars and light trucks minivans, sport utility vehicles and pick-up trucks. Third, Methane is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere which is derived from sources such as rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel production. Last but no least is City gridlock, by cars starting and stopping to move few meters is not a way to improve the environment and it was found that drivers in Los Angeles and New York City alone wasted 600 million gallons of gas annually while just sitting in traffic.